
第1304章 附录五:双语视窗(350~441)

作品: 当烟云散去 |作者:朱圣勤 |分类:经典短篇 |更新:07-13 09:26|





I am sailing(远航)

Knowledge is sea while rules are ships. Pilot the ship of rules and voyage through the seas of knowledge.Master what is limited and you’ll be able to make it to what is boundless.

As in the Changjiang River,the waves behind drive on those before, so each new generation excels the last one.A young phoenix sings better than an old one.Wish you a good life!知识是海,规则是船。驾驭规则之船,在知识的海洋自由冲浪。掌握有限,通达无限。长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代强。雏凤清于老凤声,愿你拥有好人生。




350.A bright moon hung in the sky.皓月当空

351.A guest should suit the convenience of the host or hostess.客随主便

352.A little comfort is better than none.慰情胜无

353.All rivers flow to the sea-all things tend in one direction; everyone turns to sb. for guidance.百川归海

354.A lotus flower just appears above the water.芙蓉出水

355.Always prepare for a rainy day.未雨绸缪

356. A mouse can see only an inch.鼠目寸光

357.An inch of land is an inch of gold.寸土寸金

358.A strong wind scatters the last clouds-make a clean sweep of sth.风卷残云

359.Attack the unprepared; do the unexpected.攻其不备,出其不意。

360.Beauty is shown to the best advantage.尽态极妍

361.Be a Zhu Geliang only after something unpleasant has happened.事后诸葛亮

362.Be mindful of possible danger in times of peace.安不忘危

363.Both pictures and texts are excellent.图文并茂

364.Both sides suffer; neither side gains.两败俱伤

365.Branches and leaves spread out in all directions.枝叶纷披

366.Climb over mountain after mountain.翻山越岭

367.Contentment brings happiness.知足常乐

368.Eat once every two or three days-live in poverty.并日而食

369.Empty talk is of no avail.空言无补

370.Feeling changes with circumstances.情随事迁

371. First impressions are strongest.先入为主

372.Floods and fires have no mercy.水火无情

373.Gain advantage from both sides.左右逢源

374.Get rid of the old to make way for the new.除旧布新

375.Good times don't last long.好景不长

376.Hold the old by the hand and the young by the hand.扶老携幼

377.Ill luck turns into good.逢凶化吉

378.I'm just the same as before.依然故我

379.It benefits other people as well as oneself.利己利人

380.It forms a connecting link between what comes before and what goes after.承上启下

381.It looks impressive but lacks real worth-it looks better than it is.虚有其表

382.It's as easy as turning one's hand over.易如反掌

383.It’s hard to guard against.防不胜防

384.It's hard to succeed without support.孤掌难鸣

385.It’s mixed but not confused.杂而不乱

386.It’s suitable for old and young alike.老少咸宜

387.Let time slip by accomplishing nothing.蹉跎岁月

388.Like attracts like.同声相应,同气相求。

389.Love money as much as life itself.爱财如命

390.Make still further progress.百尺竿头,更进一步。

391.Make what is good still better.锦上添花

392.Meet again after a long separation.久别重逢

393.No admittance except on business.非公莫入

394.Not a crow or sparrow is heard.鸦雀无声

395.One answers questions without hesitation.对答如流

396.One brings out one’s strengths to make up for one’s weaknesses.扬长补短

397.One considers it a pleasure to be among the first to read (a poem, article, etc)or see(a play, ballet, etc)先睹为快

398.One day seems like a year.度日如年

399.One depends on somebody for a living.寄人篱下

400.One has really given much thought to the matter.用心良苦

401.One is soft outside but hard inside.外柔内刚

402.One is the bravest of the brave in the whole army.勇冠三军

403.One looks at the sky from the bottom of a well.坐井观天

404.One should give the matter further thought and discussion.从长计议

405.One sings joyfully in a loud voice.引吭高歌

406.One sleeps with one’s clothes on.和衣而睡

407.One touches gold and turns it into iro*****correct a piece of writing.点金成铁

408.One touches iron and turns it into gold-turn a crude essay into a literary gem.点铁成金

409.One trouble follows another.一波未平,一波又起。

410.One turns against a friend and shows him no mercy.翻脸无情

411.One waits till the end of the world.地老天荒

412.One waked up to one’s error.幡然醒悟

413.One went away angry.悻悻而去

414.One works from before dawn till after dark.披星戴月

415.One won in the very first battle or game.首战告捷

416.Rice is as precious as pearls and firewood as costly as cassia.米珠薪桂

417.Seek peace and quiet in noisy surroundings.闹中取静

418.Select the worthy and promote the capable.选贤举能

419.Someone is looking (round) in every direction.东张西望

420.So near and yet so far-see little of each other though living close together.咫尺天涯

421.Take effect for cause.倒果为因/ Take cause for effect.倒因为果

422.Take great pains to carry on one’s work under difficult circumstances.惨淡经营

423.Teaching benefits teachers as well as students.教学相长

424.The abler one is, the more one should do.能者多劳

425.They are simple words but have deep meaning.言近旨远

426.The bitterness ends and the sweetness begins.苦尽甘来

427.The crow flies and the rabbit runs-time flies.乌飞兔走

428..The dragon had nine sons and each of them was different from the others.龙生九子

429.The higher the price, the better the quality.一分钱,一分货。

430.The more ,the better.多多益善

431.The present is superior to the past.今胜于昔

432.The slow need to start early.笨鸟先飞

433.The soft can overcome the hard.柔能克刚

434.The sun shines again after the rain.雨过天晴

435.The wind is strong and the waves are high.风大浪又高。

436.Think and act in one and the same way,表里如一

437.Think one way and act another.表里不一

438.Time brings great changes to the world.沧海桑田

439.Trouble arises behind the walls of the home.祸起萧墙

440.Two dogs fight for a bone, and a third runs away with it.鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。

441.Words are the voice of the mind.言为心声

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